Langauge Arts


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The students read Little House by Virginia Lee Burton. They listed the sensory descriptive words used by the author. Later, the students created illustrations of the beginning, middle and end of the book along with writing a brief summary of the text using descriptive vocabulary.

Burton, V. (1978). Little House. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

What is our Writing focus?

First & Second Quarter Writing Focus

Formal Writing Process

Informal Writing Process

Nonfiction Writing 

Personal Narratives

 asking questions, using resources, organizers


orally organizing our thoughts
Summaries  drafts  drafts
Reading Responses self, peer and teacher edits self edited/revised
Editing: punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and sentence structure revisions 
Revising: we worked on organizing the piece, using strong vocabulary and clarifying details through elaboration. final copy 
 Student Work  

When Building good grammar skills strengthens your writing. Houghton Mifflin's Education Place has lots of practice activities just for you at:

Biographies can be tricky. Especially remembering those important details! Visit the International Reading Association's cool website. Their graphic organizer can be used to help organize your information. Then print out a biocube! Or write your own biography for an autobiography cube! Be sure to bring it into class so we can see your hard work!

Sylvan's Book Adventure site will challenge your vocabulary and reading knowledge. Check it out at:

Contact Information: email School Number: 301-279-4980